I read a really interesting post today from @theheadsoffice (I'd never thought of the kids when I went back to school! bit.ly/oRs3td). It made me think about how much I have changed my approach to the first day back. I was taught, and I believe others continue to teach, that the first lesson with any new class should be devoid of fun or good humour, rather that you should present a tough exterior so children understand that from day one they won't get away with poor behaviour. I have been known to spend the first 50 minutes with children talking at them about my expectations and reading out sets of rules or worse making the children copy them down. And I think it is a really good question to ask - what impact does this have on your students? Does it intimidate them? Scare them? Bore them? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then this is a problem. I always thought this was what I had to do to make children be good. I...