Awesome INSET - a CPD celebration!

On Friday 4 th July, @dickseeboy (Ian Dicksee), @petemona (Pete Monaghan) and I held our last ever INSET day as a team of three. We have been working on teaching and learning together for two years and wanted our final INSET of the year (and indeed of an era) to be one that focused on celebrating the hard work and successes of the staff who have worked tirelessly to help us implement key changes over the last 24 months. One of the most important initiatives Ian introduced when he joined the school as the leader of our team was the concept of inquiry group learning. The idea behind inquiry groups is that staff would work on a specific area of their practice across an academic year in collaboration with other members of staff from a range of curriculum areas. This year I was in an inquiry group with teachers of science, food, business studies, sociology and art focusing on stretch and challenge, other groups focused on written feedback (and other forms of fee...