The 'why' of leading on learning and teaching and teacher development
At #TLAB15 Mark Steed (@independenthead) spoke about his performance appraisal system which is founded on an emphasis on the 'why' prior to developing the how and the what. He urged us, if we had not already done so, to watch the TEDtalk by Simon Sinek on 'Starting with why - how great leaders inspire action' and so I did (the talk can be found here - and it got me thinking about my current role and my next steps. For those of you who don't know, I moved schools in January and have moved from a very challenging context to an incredibly successful school where I found myself at times wondering what it is that I could do that could possibly make something so good any better. Having watched the talk, I feel as though I have had a little bit of an epiphany - I have been thinking far too much about the what - what should I be doing? What action should I be taking? I have lost sight of the why I do what I do, It therefore...