
Showing posts from June, 2016

Losing your confidence... the impact of two days at #EducationFest.

I don't usually write about personal thoughts and reflections when I blog.  My usual approach to blogging is sporadic and usually just a summary of talks I have attended or things I have read or would like to try in my teaching.  But this blog is a little different and maybe it is foolish to reflect so honestly and so publically but maybe a little humility in leadership is okay from time to time. I attended the Telegraph Festival of Education on Thursday and Friday of last week and it lived up to my description of it as a 'CPD spa break for educators'.  As always it was thought provoking, inspiring and insightful.  And it got me reflecting.  A lot. The combination of Jill Berry's talk on transitioning in leadership, David Weston's talk on unleashing greatness in teachers and Alex Quigley's session on confidence led me to a startling conclusion.  I have lost my confidence.  In my teaching, in my leadership, in relation to my career.  I have ent...

Festival of Education - Day 1

This year’s festival felt a little different to previous years. My initial thought was that it may be due to the timetabling confusion or the absence of the education secretary but in reality I think it was more to do with the Noah-esque flood weather that ensured that wherever you went, you were soaked to the skin (even with the extremely helpful ponchos). Despite the bad weather and the absence of Nicky Morgan, the festival continued to do what it does best – providing educators with the time, space and inspiration to reflect on their current practice. The first session I attended was delivered by Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby and it was a safe bet as it was based on their book ‘Making Every Lesson Count’ which is marvellous. I have heard both of them speak a number of times and never fail to be impressed with the way they cut through the nonsense to get to the heart of great pedagogy.  Their book is one of a few that I have selected to be part of our CPD book club reading list...