Teaching to the top... a personal reflection
I have had the enormous privilege of teaching the most amazing group of students this year. A top set year 7 group who I have for RE one hour per week. It has been a while since I had year 7 having done the A level/GCSE loop for the last few years and my initial thought was that this would be my weekly respite - my one hour a week where I could just teach without worrying about outcomes and targets and all that jazz. To some extent that is exactly what it is - it is without question, the best hour of my week. But it has also been a form of CPD for me. I read Ron Berger's 'Ethic of Excellence' (the source of Austin's Butterfly - if this means nothing to you, please google it!) a number of years ago and had been struck by some of the important messages that the book delivers and I had (in my humble opinion) embedded them into my GCSE and A level teaching. If you haven't read it I cannot recommend it enough - key messages for me are the importance of no...