Nurture 1415: the year that was

I have been thinking about writing a nurture post for a couple of days now. Part of me thinks it is a strange way to finish Christmas Day but another part of me thinks it is quite fitting.  I always feel quite reflective at Christmas and this will be reflective. This post is important to me. Last year was the first time I had written a nurture post and I found it really helpful to keep me grateful and appreciative but also to keep me focused. I am going to bend the rules by reviewing last year’s 14 and then setting 5 for 2015. I will do it in two posts – one to review and one to look ahead.  Here goes…

  1. Firstly I pledged to carry on learning abut photography and trying to master some different types of shots and ideas.  Whilst in DC I attended a workshop on landscapes with Navin Sarma which was awesome. Still journeying… But that's okay.
  2. Secondly I pledged to read and I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I have dipped into books and blogs and tweets but I let myself down on this one. I find it hard to justify time on reading when there is always so much to do.
  3. Thirdly, I said I wanted to have an impact with literacy and numeracy at school next year, not because Ofsted say so but because it matters and it is important and it will change the lives of the young people I work with.   And I started but I didn’t finish but I have left someone I trust to carry it on.
  4. Next was the plan to travel back to the states hopefully on a little east coast road-trip taking in my beloved DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston and oh boy, did we?! It was an amazing 16 days. Amazing!!
  5. My next pledge was to use the work of @wclou to inspire a marginal gains/ethic of excellence style philosophy evening. We did it and the students exceeded my expectations. They were awesome, I felt so proud!
  6. Next up was to blog.  See comments about reading. I think I blogged 4 times all year. Bad Nikki.
  7. I also promised myself that I would investigate British baseball.  I made it to one game – AA South semi-final but I wrote about it quite a bit and learned lots. This one still has legs.
  8. I decided I wanted to attend some more amazing CPD and take some colleagues with me. Big tick on this one. We went to TLT14, EdFest, ResearchEd, etc and 4 lined up in 2015. Winner!
  9. To commit to developing some kind of work-life balance… Not sure about this. I think I am better but maybe still more work than life.
  10. Next I pledged to coach rather than tell.  Thanks to the support of @dickseeboy this ended up being a whole school initiative that I was able to absorb myself in for a little while at least. My favourite thing we ever did.
  11. I wanted to research moving to the States. I did and I don’t want to anymore. I love America but moving from Stoke to Devon has almost destroyed me, I like England so I shall just holiday to America. On that subject...
  12. When I wrote this last year, I had just failed my first job interview in 10 years. I got the second one I went for. I knew it was time to move on but had no idea how hard it would be to leave. I don’t think I would have done it if it were not for the nurture blog and the understanding/compassion of my new school. Leaving CCHS broke my heart but I think my new school will help me move on.
  13. I made the same promise I make myself every year - to look after myself.  For a while I did quite well, I managed to lose two stone and eat better and exercise (I had lots of support from friends and colleagues) and then it all went wrong again when I was under pressure. I feel as though I understand myself a little better now so will reignite this quest.
  14. Finally I promised myself I would remember to be grateful.  Leaving Cannock made me realise how truly blessed I am. I am luckier than I know and I will never forget how the students, staff and friends made me feel when leaving. People endure so much in their lives, with such strength, you have to be thankful for everything you have to be thankful for.

So, all in all… 2014 was a very good year and I am pleased with my progress against my 14 goals.  Once I wrote the post, I printed it and stuck it above my desk to remind me and I think that's what kept me focused.  Next up… 5 goals for 2015!


  1. A good read and I don't see that you have broken the rules. You've fed back and reflected on last year

  2. Hi Andy. Thanks for comment. I think you are either supposed to go for the challenge and review 14, set 15 or go for 5 in review and 5 moving forwards. I am creating a two part hybrid. But I kinda like it!

  3. Interesting to read, Nikki, and well done on all you've achieved, which is considerable.

    Just try not to beat yourself up/feel you've let yourself down if you haven't managed everything you hoped. We're all a work in progress, and it's making the steps along the way, and not giving up, that matters most!

  4. Thank you for your kind words Jill, much appreciated.


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