CPD in the South West... A question of interest...

For the last 5 years or so the main focus of my work has been the professional development of teachers.  Until 5 months ago, I was living the in the West Midlands and I was overwhelmed by the numbers of quality CPD available within a short drive.  TLT (Southampton is closer than you might think), NRocks, a variety of ResearchEd events, TeachMeets, etc.   A number of the staff at my school began enaging in these events and most would argue that this style of CPD by teachers for teachers is the best type they had.

But I don't live in the West Midlands anymore, I live in Devon.  And despite the clear evidence of excellent practice that goes on I can't find a forum that gives teachers the chance to showcase their practice and network and connect in the way that the events named above do.  I want there to be high quality CPD events with access to inspirational thinkers, teachers and leaders available to my staff and the staff of every school in the South West and at the moment, with the exception of a handful of teachmeets, I am not sure it is there.

So I have two choices... I can complain about it or I can try to do something about it,  I have no idea where to start or how to start but I have been to some exceptional conferences and I have some ideas and with some encouragement/bullying from @missiome I feel the need to dip a toe in the water.

So the point of this blogpost is simple.  If a CPD event was hosted in Devon, would people be willing to help?  Would people be interested in attending?  I am going to be twitter stalking some more experienced and better connected people and asking them to spread the word and see if they will help, because in my experience twitter is an incredibly supportive environment.  If you have an interest - attending, sponsoring, leading, speaking, get in touch either on the blog or @nikable.


  1. Caroline GRant15 May 2015 at 12:59

    Hi. My name is Caroline Grant and I'm an AST/SLE in MFL teaching in Plymouth. I'm an ex SSAT LEad practitioner. I've run a few teachmeets for MFL in my school and they were very well received. The will is definitely there. DHS for Boys in Plymouth is also running a lot of generic teachmeets. SO, some of us ARE very keen! WHereabouts are you?

    1. Working at Uffculme - mid-Devon, almost Somerset. Sounds like to have some great training already in place, would love to know more, get your advice on how you have gathered interest/been successful.

  2. http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/w/page/95278340/TeachMeet%20Devon
    there's this :)

  3. Plenty of quality CPD events going on in Devon. Are you primary or secondary? any specific subject/areas of interest?

    1. Secondary - anything learning and teaching really that will inspire teachers in my school. Being new to the area, part of my issue may be ignorance of awesome stuff that is already happening. Pointers welcomed!

  4. Hi Nikki
    plenty of CPD planned. There a 3 x A level practical sessions in June and July and the termly Heads of Science. Look for Science Learning Network courses at www.slcs.ac.uk and Devon County Council courses at Babcock Learning. Autumn and Spring offer to be published soon.

  5. @bettermaths - I'd be very interested in getting something established here and not have to go to Kettering or Manchester to deliver.


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