#Teacher5aday... One month on

So I am feeling pretty happy with my commitment to #well-being even if I haven't been as committed to writing about it as I should have. Here is a short blog about my story so far...

I am really happy with this one. I have been in regular contact with lots of the people I love since up and leaving my old life. I am also pleased that I have spent much of this month in my new role having a sit down chat with every teacher at my new school in terms of their PD requirements. This has been invaluable in getting to know people. I also make time to lunch with staff and students in the dinner hall every day.

This is an important one. I try to reflect on each day and find the best bit in it. I enjoy the short drive to work, taking in the beauty of my new surroundings. I notice when my boyfriend is home and try to avoid working so we can eat together. I am also noticing the little details at my new school and trying to learn the tricks of the trade in the little details which contribute to the success of the school.

This has always been the one I find easiest in terms of school but I have also joined a photography club since moving to Devon to improve my skills and learn new things. I have been learning about my new school and have signed myself up for lots of awesome CPD events over the next few months. This is a good one (and probably my favourite!) 

Ah, the Achilles heel. Well it took all month but today I joined a gym, went to a class and made a pledge to myself to do a daily class (Monday-Thursday anyway) for the next few weeks at least. Apparently I will sleep better, feel more confident and have more energy. Sounds good to me!

Um... Still not sure on this one. I haven't really made a decent commitment to this one but it's on my radar and I have been better at asking people how they are, thanking them for their efforts and participating in events. One to develop further methinks.

Bottom line, my work life balance is the best it has ever been. For this reason although I haven't necessarily managed 5 a day, I will be maintaining these well being themes in my life and encouraging others to think about,and commit to them, too


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