Nurture 2016-17

I did surprisingly well on last year’s goals except for one.  I pledged to read 52 books and didn’t get anywhere near that goal (I shall revisit the why and what next as I look ahead).  But I also pledged to pick up my MA study, breathe new life into my CPD programme, find the love in teaching again, make Devon home and let go of a problem that had been a problem for a long time.  Well in 2016, I attended MA summer school and met a group of inspiring people who made me believe I was capable of anything – something I am incredibly grateful to them for.  In 2016, I did breathe new life into my CPD programme – the introduction of book club went really well and has planted the seed for a Book Club Teaching and Learning Conference (watch this space for more details).  In 2016 I reconnected with the people I love (family and partner) and started to stop taking them for granted, that ticked two boxes – it enabled me to let go of ‘the’ situation and resulted in the purchase of our new home in Devon.  In 2016 when I said ‘I am going home’, I actually started to mean ‘to Devon’.  And teaching?  Yeah I do kind of love it again.

So onwards and upwards… What do I want to achieve in 2017?
1.       Read. 
The reading thing is key and symptomatic of a bigger problem.  I don’t read because I figure if I have enough time to read then I have time to do more schoolwork.  I have an unhealthy work-life balance, I feel guilty anytime I am doing something that isn’t school related.  I got pretty poorly over the last couple of months and yet didn’t take a single day off because the guilt feels worse than the ill.  And actually that would be okay except that I realised (with the help of a wise person or two) that when I do this, I role model to everyone else my own unhealthy attitude to work.  I don’t know how to not work, how to switch off but I have to try to figure it out because I should be allowed to go to the gym or take a weekend off or get the sleep I need or read a book and I have to demonstrate to other people that they are entitled to that too.  So two goals off one goal – read more but also give myself permission to take time out and switch off.
2.       Make a difference.
I used to feel that I made a difference every time I got up and went to work and I don’t feel like that anymore.  I miss it.  I am a lucky person.  I am, quite frankly, blessed.  And if 2016 opened my eyes to anything, it is that there are far too many people who are not.  I want to make things better, fairer and more just.  Life can be horribly unfair and I want to be part of a solution not part of the problem.  I am a bit obsessed with parity and fairness and often bite my tongue when I see the unfairness I am surrounded by – I don’t think I want to do that this year.  I want to speak up when something is wrong, reach out if someone needs help and just live my life with a little more compassion.  I am not sure how or what yet but I need to find a way to make a difference – find a way to make the world better even if it is in the smallest of ways. 
3.       Be inspired.
Professionally this year, I have a couple of goals.  One is to use the opportunities my MA presents to research things that are important and matter – and that challenge my thinking as a leader.  The second is to provide opportunity – through my work, my school and our Teaching School Alliance - I want to take every opportunity to support the work of groups like #WomenED #BAMEed #CharteredCollegeofTeaching and to bring some of the best and most inspiring speakers to the South West.  I want to find ways to inspire as I have been inspired.  
4.       Ambition and Challenge
For a long time I have been quite scared to talk about my career ambitions – there are those who make you feel like ambition is a bad thing.  But I am not ambitious for the sake of it and I am in no rush.  I just want to keep my career goals in my mind and feel proud rather than embarrassed about them.  I want to work in Washington DC.  I want to be a Headteacher one day.  I might want to do a doctorate at some point (although I am reserving judgement until I know whether or not I have passed my MA).  I want to take every opportunity that will prepare me for this possibilities and ask people to help me be ready for these challenges.  But ultimately I just want to feel confident enough to pursue my goals.
5.       Be more than a job.
I want to make time for the people who matter.  I want to be more than the job – I want to travel to cool places, meet up with great people, take amazing photographs, write interesting essays and maybe find a way to care of myself to a standard I usually reserve only for work.  I want to try and sort my health out.

Will I manage it all?  Almost certainly not.  Will I give it a bloody good try?  Yes I think I will. 2016 was a year of sadness and surprise but I also had some great experiences and have come out of it a happier person.  Now I ready for the next chapter – 2017, let’s be having you!


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