Nurture 1314 - 2013 the year that was...

Having read many of the nurture posts, I felt that I had to have a go at writing my own.  Some of the posts have inspired me, some have moved me to tears and some have intimidated me in terms of how much people have achieved in just 12 months.  They all, however, have motivated me to reflect on the last twelve months both personally and professionally, and given me the space to think about what I would like to happen in 2014.

2013: The year that was...

  1. Last Christmas I became very aware that I had no real hobbies or interests outside of work, so I signed myself up for a beginners photography class which I enjoyed immensely.  Whilst no expert and still learning, it is nice to have something that is just for me and serves as a good distraction from work. 
  2. In April we travelled to Chicago which was fab.  I love America and love collecting new states.  On this trip we decided to be all adventurous and hired a car which took us on an epic road trip (by our very timid standards).  We went to Cincinnati where we stayed in the same hotel as my favourite ball club, watched the Nats get humiliated, drove to Louisville and found time to visit the Jim Bean factory.  In Chi-town, we watched more ball games than I can count and did the touristy thing to full effect.  It was an amazing week.  It was also just nice to spend time with my boyfriend without all the life-nonsense being a factor.
  3. I secured sponsorship for a masters in educational leadership and management.  I took a two week intensive summer school at Nottingham University and it was really good.  It was great to be a student again and learn about education but with an academic research focus.  Unfortunately my funding has fallen through so I won't get to complete it... not this year anyway, but I will return to it at some point.  It is too important to me not to.
  4. On a more frivolous note, I passed an A level in Philosophy and Ethics with a respectable A grade.  This was a dare put on the table to me by a group of students two years ago, they asked me to sit the qualification with them when they found out it was one I did not have.  It was far more difficult than I expected and I was far from the model student but it gave me a tremendous insight into what it feels like to be on the receiving end of the examination.  I also think it has made me a better teacher.
  5. Throughout the year I attended a number of really good and thought-provoking events, most of which I organised for myself at evenings and weekends.  Highlights included the education festival at Wellington where Dylan Wiliam and Geoff Barton both inspired me to get going on new projects.  It was an excellent two days.  Even better than that however was the opportunity to hear Ron Berger speak at Campsmount.  He really struck home with me and reignited my passion for helping students to learn.  Both events were really good...
  6. ...almost as good as SLTCamp which gets a separate mention because it was a brilliant event, my first experience of a teachmeet but also something that I would never normally sign myself up for.  It was a little bit scary but unbelievably good and made me realise that I have done work worth sharing.  I am not yet brave enough to speak at a teachmeet but maybe one day.
  7. In October we had a visit from Ofsted which did not necessarily play out as we had hoped it would.  It was a tough experience and my first experience of an Ofsted as a member of leadership team.  Although it was a tough couple of days, I really enjoyed the experience as I learned a lot about the process and about myself and my ability to cope under pressure.  I can do it.  Not well, but I can do it!
  8. In a similar vein, I had a job interview a few weeks before Christmas.  It was my first external interview since applying to be an NQT at my current school 10 years ago and I did better than I thought but not quite well enough.  Again, although it was tough, it was such a good, eye-opening experience and has prepared me for 2014. 
  9. One of my professional highlights of the year has been the work I have done with trainee teachers.  This year we took on TeachFirst, School Direct and School Direct Salaried trainees for the first year in addition to our traditional PGCE trainees and it has been pretty darn awesome.  They keep me young!!
  10. In the summer I adopted a cat, the cat was pregnant and I am now the proud owner of two baby kittens!  As much as I have tried to give them up (not really), I just can't because they are cute and serve as a welcome distraction from work.  They were born the day Ofsted came and I didn't even notice until after the inspection was over.   
  11. This year was also my first full year as a member of SLT and a year into the job as Assistant Headteacher, I finally feel as though I am starting to make sense of it all.  It is nothing like what I expected and yet still very cool.  I love the team I work as part of and feel that we have become closer over the last year.  I am very grateful to work in a school and with a team where you feel that no matter what, people have your back.  When you are going to fall, they are right there supporting you both personally and professionally.  It is something I value but often forget to say.
  12. I have watched friends go through horrendous and tragic hardships over the last year and it has given me an insight into just how strong humans can be.  I have so much admiration for the people I know who have dealt with the most awful circumstances with tremendous amounts of grace and dignity.  I am also grateful for the good news that 2013 has brought to many of my friends including an epic baby boom! 
  13. I am also tremendously grateful for the things that I am so lucky to have but often do not realise how lucky I am. I have some amazing friends both at work and outside of work, people who make me smile when all I want to do is cry, who will dig me out of snow, go with me to terrible concerts or who are perfect to just sit and talk to.  I am blessed with a lot of amazing people in my life who I would be lost without.  I have a very supportive family and boyfriend who tolerate the fact that work dominates my life and I have a number of friends who I do not see enough but who always let me know that they are there.   

So that was 2013... all in all a reasonable year with some pretty cool highlights.      


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