Nurture 1314 - 2014 the year that will be

Having read many of the nurture posts, I felt that I had to have a go at writing my own.  Some of the posts have inspired me, some have moved me to tears and some have intimidated me in terms of how much people have achieved in just 12 months.  They all, however, have motivated me to reflect on the last twelve months both personally and professionally, and given me the space to think about what I would like to happen in 2014.

2014: The year that will be...

  1. To carry on learning abut photography and trying to master some different types of shots and ideas.  I am still in pursuit of the perfect baseball action shot but I also want to experiment with landscapes next year.
  2. To read.  Through the numerous courses, tweets and blogs, I have a reading list that will entirely change my life if I get on and do it so I pledge to give myself to time and space to read and learn.  I want to read for at least an hour everyday.  I want to read books that kids recommend to me (currently reading Percy Jackson), I want to read books that will inspire and influence my work at school (Leverage Leadership is up next), and I want to get lost in guilty pleasures (like the Kathy Reichs book sat next to me).
  3. To have an impact with literacy and numeracy at school next year, not because Ofsted say so but because it matters and it is important and it will change the lives of the young people I work with.  It will be challenging and in some ways is a little out of my comfort zone but I believe that if you are willing to work hard, you can achieve anything so...
  4. To travel back to the states hopefully on a little east coast roadtrip taking in my beloved DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston.
  5. To use the work of @wclou to inspire a marginal gains/ethic of excellence style philosophy evening.  It is blatant plagiarism which I make no apology for.  I have been gifted with a group of phenomenally talented year 13 students this year and want to give them the opportunity to see what they are truly made of.
  6. To blog.  About what I am reading, what I am teaching, what I am leading on.  I always promise myself that I will make time for this and never do, partly because I am not sure anyone would find it that interesting but I think it is an important thing for me to do so that I can reflect on my own practice.
  7. To investigate British baseball.  I did my research last year and discovered that there is quite a lot of baseball in the UK.  In 2014, I plan to go find it.
  8. To attend some more amazing CPD - definitely need to attend another teachmeet or two but this time I am going to try to take some colleagues with me.
  9. To commit to developing some kind of work-life balance, not only for me but for other teachers in my school.  Through my leadership role, I want to be able to question what actually needs to be done. If something isn't having impact on students then we need to question why we ask staff to do it.  I need to lead by example on this.  I cannot tell my trainees to have down time when all they see is me never taking down time myself.
  10. To coach rather than tell.  I am passionate about coaching and believe it is the most powerful tool for enhancing progress in both staff and students but it takes time, space and effort and sometimes I am lazy and just dish out answers.  I need to change this element of work me.
  11. To move on.  I have done ten years at my current school and honestly it is time to go.  It is a tough decision to make because I love my job and my school but in order to develop I need to go elsewhere and use and adapt my skills.  I won't leave for the sake of leaving but if I can find the right role in the right school with an inspiring leader then I will do my very best to secure myself a new job.
  12. To live the dream.  My end goal has been to live and work in the states, maybe not forever but to have that experience.  I now need to do some research into what I need to do to make that happen and then make it happen.  Ideally 11 and 12 would become one and the same!!! 
  13. To look after myself.  I need to eat dinners not crisps, sleep not work, spend time with friends and family, remember things like birthdays and Christmas, exercise (believe that when it happens), accept what is and work with it rather than over-worrying or ignoring issues.
  14. To be grateful.  I want to take regular opportunities to reflect on how lucky I am and to be grateful for the good things in my life.

Here is to a great 2014!        


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